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Our Global Assets

Our Global Assets

We are aligned with our partners and stay invested for the long term. We share the findings from our evaluations and due diligence with our investee companies for mutual benefit.

*Click on map marker for more details

Investee CompanyOwnershipCountry
Maritime Resources Corp. 44.1%Canada
Magna Mining Inc. 21.0%Canada
Viva Gold Corp. 19.7%U.S.A.
Saturn Metals Limited17.8%Australia
Ausgold Limited10.9%Australia
SPC Nickel Corp. 10.0%Canada
Revival Gold Inc.4.8%U.S.A.
Borborema Inc.1.5% NSR*Brazil
* Dundee will earn a net smelter royalty (“NSR”) equivalent to the percentages on the sale of any product containing economically recoverable minerals obtained from ore mined and removed from the Borborema Gold Project. The 1.50% NSR applies to the first 1.5 million ounces of gold sold, then is reduced to 1.00% on the next 0.5 million ounces of gold.